Write one page
Essay Topic:
1) You are a Hindu talking to an American. Explain to them in a way they can understand the reincarnation cycle and the different ways to exit it
For this paper, use the information from the readings and lecture to make your case(if you want to use an outside source please check it with me first!!). I expect you to cite the reading! (Author, page number) will suffice. To be most persuasive, remember to always have a critical voice in your head, so that you clearly spell out your arguments and consider counterarguments and other possibilities. Because it is only one page, get right to the point. To write well, you need to consider both what to include and what to leave out. Make sure everything that you are saying answers the question being asked. It is also better to say a few things well than a lot of things superficially. What matters to me is that you make a good case!
For topic one: I am looking for two things in particular. First and most importantly, accurately represent Hindu beliefs (e.g., dharma, karma, reincarnation and samsara); second express yourself in a convincing way that knows and appeals to your audience. Writing a letter is the most obvious form, but you are free to be creative in how you present your case. Even though the assignment is somewhat unconventional, I expect you to present your information well.
The papers will be graded according to the following criteria:
1) Critical Comprehension: Does the paper demonstrate clear understanding of the given topic and critical analysis of key aspects of that topic?