
You are a forensics investigator and need to address the

You are a forensics investigator and need to address the following cases. You can find the Case Projects at the end of Chapters 3 and 4 in your textbook.

  • Case Project 3-3: Digital Evidence Storage Formats (CLO 1)
  • Case Project 4-3: Preserving the Integrity of Digital Evidence (CLO 2)
  • Case Project 4-4: Protocols for Controlling Digital Evidence (CLO 2)

Create a 2-3 page, double-spaced Word document in which you fully address the requirements outlined in each Case Project. Your paper should be in APA format and divided into three sections: one for each Case Project. If you've used any references, please also submit the CARS checklist, linked in here.Submit to the Unit 1 Part 2 Dropbox.

Case Project 3-3: You need to acquire an image of a disk on a computer that can't be removed from the scene, and you discover that it's a Linux computer. What are your options for acquiring the image? Write a brief paper specifying the hardware and software you could you use.

Case Project 4-3: Your spouse works at a middle school and reports rumors of a teacher, Zane Wilkens, molesting some students  and taking illicit pictures of them. Zane allegedly viewed these pictures in his office. Your spouse wants you to take a disk image of Zane's computer and find out whether the rumors are true. Write a one page paper outlining how you would tell your spouse and school administrators to proceed. Also, explain why walking into Zane's office to acquire a disk image wouldn't preserve the integrity of the evidence.

Case project 4-4: As a digital investigator for your local sheriff's department, you have been asked to go with a detective to a local school that received a bomb threat in an anonymous e-mail. The detective already has information from a subpoena sent to the last known ISP where the anonymous e-mail originated, and the message was sent from a residence in the school's neighborhood. The detective tells you the school principal also stated that the school's Web server had been defaced by an unknown computer attacker. The detective has just obtained a warrant for the search and seizure of a computer at the residence the ISP identified. Prepare a list of what items should be included in an initial response field kit to ensure the preservation of digital evidence when the warrant is carried out.

APA format please and Thank you for your help.

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Basic Computer Science: You are a forensics investigator and need to address the
Reference No:- TGS02148661

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