
You analyzed the c18 content of a sample of ground beef you

You analyzed the C18 content of a sample of ground beef. You took 5 g of beef, homogenized into buffer and centrifuged. The volume of the supernatant was 14 ml.

You took 2 ml, of the supernatant, extracted the fatty acids and then made the fatty acid methyl ester (FAME) derivatives.

The final volume of the FAME sample was 50 µl. 3 µl of this were injected onto the GC. The area of the C18 peak was 14753.

2µl of a 0.01 mg/ml C18 standard were injected in a second run. The area of the C18 peak was 18334.

What was the concentration of C18 in the original tissue (in µg/g of beef)

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Chemistry: You analyzed the c18 content of a sample of ground beef you
Reference No:- TGS0794163

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