
You an idealist as in platonism or are you a realist like

Although their relative reputations often varied widely, the philosophies of Plato and Aristotle continued to exert a powerful influence throughout the following centuries.

Even now, it is often suggested that Western thinkers are invariably either Platonic or Aristotelean. That is, each of us is inclined either toward the abstract, speculative, intellectual apprehension of reality, as Plato was, or toward the concrete, practical, sensory appreciation of reality, as Aristotle was.

Essay topic Consider your own world view: are you an idealist as in Platonism, or are you a realist like Aristotle? Explain your sense of idealism or realism with at least three specific examples.

Directions: 3-5 paragraphs; in MS Word; provide a title for your essay, and type your name in the upper left hand corner.

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: You an idealist as in platonism or are you a realist like
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