
Ychi5070m mobile health - 20152016 - summative assignment

Summative Assignment Report - Mobile Health Monitoring for Chronic Hypertension

This case report focuses on chronic hypertension in Saudi Arabia and the role of 'mHealth' in chronic hypertension management. In addition to mHealth, the report presents one example of current wireless mobile technology in a blood pressure device, used to capture and transmit blood pressure readings. It then explores current Ministry of Health (MOH) mobile applications, making recommendations for the implementation of mHealth in the current infrastructure, aligned with the MOH transformation programme to support its Saudi Hypertension Management Society (SHMS).

1. Module-specific Content

i. Understand the drivers for the use of mobile technology for individuals and health organizations - Brief; however, drivers for individuals were not clear. Most of the discussion focused more on the use of mobile phone in general.

ii. Discuss appropriate technologies, infrastructure, standards and processes - General discussion. Description of an infrastructure of a project that has not been implemented in Saudi.

iii. Appreciate the benefits, costs and constraints, and the organisational, clinical and financial implications - Financial and organisational implications were not described. Clinical implications are expected to be discussed rather than providing a description to one randomised control trail in a different context/environment.

iv. Critically review the existing evidence base and discuss the effectiveness and efficiency of your chose mobile health area - This has not been covered.

v. Give recommendations to assist your organisation develop their mobile health strategy - The recommendations need to be directed to an organisation in order to help them develop their mobile health strategy.

2. Your essay should:

i. Be logically structured with a coherent argument - Confusing discussion in different places. Some sections were not related to the study. A mix of discussion between projects in Saudi and different countries.

ii. Use evidence from a range of sources to support your discussion - There are some good pieces of information provided, however lack evidences. Please make sure to provide evidence/ reference to support your arguments, especially when you provide figures, such as numbers and percentages.

Assignment link - https://www.dropbox.com/s/pewqshz7oylv26w/Assignment.rar?dl=0.

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Dissertation: Ychi5070m mobile health - 20152016 - summative assignment
Reference No:- TGS01624429

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