Xxse 60108 - assignment and progress report - professional

Topic - Professional Management Techniques in hospitality sectors

Learning Outcomes

This assignment will assess the following learning outcomes:

Develop knowledge of, analyse and critically assess the literature in a given business related subject area.

In conjunction with a supervisor/adviser, formulate research questions or objectives in the given subject area.

Construct an argument employing relevant and valid evidence in support of a conclusion that directly addresses the problem posed by the research questions or objectives.

Demonstrate competence in independent learning.

Demonstrate competence in the communication skills needed to generate the required format of written presentation.

The Task:

This is an individual Assignment and Progress Report.

You are required to work on approved SMART topic in your area of specialisation and critically analyse the literatures related to the topic and the objectives of your study. Formulate the research questions or the research objectives of your chosen topic in your area of specialisation upon consultation and approval by your advisor-supervisor. Make your arguments on the literatures presented that are related to your topic and objectives or that directly answer the research questions. Literatures must be properly cited to make your study credible. Draw the conclusion that directly addresses the problem posed by the research questions or objectives. Use Harvard Style of referencing. Use separate sheet/s for the list of recent edition of references. This Assignment component is weighted 85% of the total mark.

Prepare a detailed Progress Report in each stage of the study that clearly describe the activities, processes, and procedures that were undertaken while doing your Assignment with reference to the standard format.

The critical Literature Review should be a description and critical analysis of what other authors have written. When drafting your review you need to focus on your research question(s) or objective(s). Although there is no single structure that your critical review should take, you may find it helpful to think of the review using a funneling technique:

Start at more general level before moving to the specific;
Provide a brief overview of key ideas;
Summaries in brief, compare and contrast the work of the key writers;
Narrow down to highlight the work most relevant to your research; and
Provide a detailed account of the findings of this work.

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Reference No:- TGS02766527

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