
Xml digital signature and security framework

1) Explain what is meant by the term database? Describe the importance behind different kind of database?

2) Describe the following terms:

a) XML processing

b) SAX

c) XSL and


3) Explain the use of the web services and significance of the web service orchestrations.

4) Describe about the Service Oriented Architecture with the help of neat and well- explained sketch.

5) Explain how “SOAP”,”USDL” and “UDDI” are playing their role, while interacting with two different web pages and applications?

6) Describe web services caveats and write the few steps for sending and receiving the “SOAP-message”.

7) Explain several kinds of e-business available for using various gadget.

8) Explain how the components of the software are helping as the middle-ware in E-business?

9) Describe the XML security framework and xml encryption methodologies.

10) Explain XML digital signature and guidelines for signing the XML documents.

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Programming Languages: Xml digital signature and security framework
Reference No:- TGS012712

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