
Xenophanes is the first philosopher to explicitly criticize

Discuss the below:

Xenophanes is the first philosopher to explicitly criticize the religious bedrock of the western tradition when outright stating that the gods of Homer and Hesiod are sheer fiction; what are the grounds of his criticism, and what does he offer as real in lieu of the previously-established polytheism of his time? One would do well to consider the following: the shameful aspects of the Greek gods; the shared characteristics between the Gods and the people who worship them; natural explanations previously understood as divine; the nature of his proposed divine principle.

Below, you will find your first writing assignment of the semester.

You are to pick one of the following 10 prompt questions and

Create an essay of 600 words-or, roughly, two full pages, double spaced, size 12 Times New Roman font, standard margins-due no later than midnight (via ecampus), you should turn in all assignments in order to be eligible to pass the class. Your response must be thorough and well-written, with references to the text.

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Other Subject: Xenophanes is the first philosopher to explicitly criticize
Reference No:- TGS01792486

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