Question: X-rays generated in an x-ray tube are Bragg-reflected through 90 ? by a crystal (xtal in Fig.). The Bragg-reflected x-rays have a wavelength λ = 0.4000 nm.
a. What is the spacing between the crystal planes causing this reflection?
b. What is the wavelength λ' of the 0.4000 nm x-rays after they Compton scatter through 90 ?from an amorphous carbon block as shown in Fig. 14.20? Keep 4 significant figures in your answer.
c. How much energy did each x-ray photon lose when Comptonscattered through 90 ??
d. It takes 11.2 eV to eject an electron from a carbon atom (i.e., to ionize the atom). What is the kinetic energy of the ejected electron after it has left the atom?
Fig. - An x-ray photon Bragg scatters from a crystal (xtal) and then Compton scatters from carbon.