
Wt role has trade and immigration played in this process

Discussion 1: Immigration Issues - immigration issues have played a large part in U.S. domestic policy and in the current presidential campaign. What should U.S. immigration policy be? Given immigration limits, how should the U.S. decide which people to admit? (e.g., admit relatives of legal U.S. residents; admit only the best trained people; sell the rights to immigrate to the U.S.; etc.). How should the U.S. deal with current illegal immigrants in the country and what implications does this have for future immigration?

Discussion 2: Wage Inequality and Trade - data indicates a growing gap between the wages for skilled and unskilled labor, and several candidates have made this part of the Presidential campaign. What role has trade and immigration played in this process? What implications does outsourcing have for this trend? What policies, if any, should the U.S. take to offset this trend?

Discussion 3: How important are Multinational firms (MNFs) in the world economy? What fraction of world output do they account for, and are they beneficial or harmful? Does the power of MNFs to move anywhere in the world restrict policies of individual governments? Should there be rules limiting their spread?

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Basic Statistics: Wt role has trade and immigration played in this process
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