
Wt are the function and purpose of a grant proposal from

Write in only 200-400 words. Do Not exceed word count. provide more detailed explanations for each question. Respond in complete sentences, using mostly your own words. Use quotation other authors minimally, but primarily consider what you have read in order to respond to the question. For question2, and 4 answer in your own words. For questions 1 and 3 use mostly your own words. 

1. What are the function and purpose of a grant proposal?

2. From what you have read about grant writing and program planning thus far, what specific skills do you feel a grant writer needs to have? What specific skills do you feel a program planner needs to have?  How similar or different are these sets of skills?

3. Through Internet research, find at least one job posting for a human services grant writer and one for a human services program planner or program manager. Provide the specific url's* for both the positions you have found.  Is there anything that surprises you about the information you located? What did you find interesting about the postings?

4. Based on your research, do you feel that you would have interest in becoming a grant writer? Would you be interested in becoming a program manager? Why or why not?

*URLs include a complete address for the web page you are copying, rather than just the website address. Copy and paste the URL from your web browser address line.

Do not use your own school library to locate both positions, instead search for both positions in the web browser. make sure you provide two different URLs completely.

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Business Management: Wt are the function and purpose of a grant proposal from
Reference No:- TGS01416855

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