Wrrite down an essay about Day Doris(composer)?
Attached is an example of the essay.
The following sections should be included:-
1. Dates (Birth/Death/Major Milestones)
2. Birthplace and Major Locations during Life
3. Musical Training (school, conservatory, individualized, self-taught, etc.)
4. Performance Instrument(s) (trained on what instrument/s)
5. Historical Importance (what difference did this composer/musician make in his/her lifetime or after in the history of music?)
6. Style(s) of Writing/Performing (did they fit in the time period, with a certain group, etc.)
7. Method of Composing (write at piano, in head, etc.)
8. Musical Innovations and/or Inventions (was there anything new that this composer/musician did)
9. Interesting Facts (at least 3)
10. Interactions with Other Composers (friends/enemies with other composers, helped by other composers)
11. Major Types of Compositions (Did he/she focus on one type, like jazz ballad, pop song, etc., or write/perform for about everything?)
12. Occupation (how did he/she make a living?)
13. Family Life (growing up, married, children, single, etc.?)
14. Major Works and/or Major Recordings (at least 3), with Description of Each Work.
15. Text(s) Cited (at least 3 other than class text. You can use Encyclopedias for one of these texts. I would prefer the Encyclopedia Britannica [digital or print], rather than other Encyclopedias such as Encarta or World Book).
16. Websites Cited (at least 3, no Wikipedia)
Attachment:- example.rar