Written assignments/communication must demonstrate professionalism, proper grammar, spelling and clarity of communication. Assignments handwritten or single-spaced will not be accepted. Poorly written assignments will receive a lowered grade. Do not let the power of your ideas be affected by poor grammar, spelling or clarity. Here are the formatting requirements for the files:
? Must have a cover page showing the title of the paper, due date, authors of the paper and class
? In.docordocxformatonly(Submissionsinotherfileformatswillreceivenocredit)
? Margins1",top,bottom,rightandleft
? Acceptablefonts:ArialorTimesNewRoman
? Fontcolor:black-Usingothercolorsonthecoverpageisallowed ? Fontheight:12pts.
? Linespacing:double
WSJ Link https://www.wsj.com/articles/why-cant-a-store-be-more-like-a-website-1474995017?mod=djem_jiewr_MK_domainid