
writing style english us ethics project

WRITING STYLE: English (U.S.) Ethics project Introduction: 1. a.) professional conducts, ethics, and civility are growing concerns for corporate leaders in a global environment. This contract will explore two questions: i.) what are the primary and secondary professional conduct, ethics, and civility issues of concern to corporate leader? ii.) How are EMBA programs addressing these issues in their curriculum? Your responsibilities: 2. a.) Research academic journals, trade publications, newspapers, magazines, internet, etc., for information on professional conduct, ethics and civility issues in the workplace to answer 1(a and i) questions A.) Create a matrix (on excel spreadsheet) classifying the finding by the type of responses found; (the primary and secondary professional conduct, ethics, and civility issues of concern to corporate leaders?, How are EMBA programs addressing these issues in their curriculum? ) B.) Reasearch AACSB/EMBA programs course syllabi for how professional conduct, ethics and civility are addressed in each program to answer 1(ii), above; you need to find at least one EMBA Ethic Programs for each state in the United States of America, that means at least over 40 ethic programs with cited sources. C.) Write a five page paper (apa formate) analyzing the findings, and I will be presenting this to the teacher with the matrix excel spreadsheet. You can research by using www.aacsb.edu, google search for ethic courses syllabus's, etc. Please have all United States EMBA ethic courses or programs cited on the matrix excel spreadsheet. Research academic journals, trade publications, newspapers, magazines, internet, etc., for information on professional conduct, ethics and civility issues in the workplace to answer 1(a and i). Have all sources with a brief discriptions of what findings or what you found interesting your sources.


What are the primary and secondary professional conduct, ethics, and civility issues of concern to corporate leaders? This needs to be researched before you can do the EMBA program inquiry. Researched means documented material in your paper. You should have major research material in each area: professional conduct, ethics and civility. Each topic should have a section in your paper. There are no references in the material you sent. Follow the APA Style manual or another manual that you are comfortable using.

The second question was:

How are EMBA programs addressing these three issues in their curriculum?

 This question is going to require you to look at the syllabi for the courses. The general statements on the homepage do not get into specifics. For example,

What is each EMBA program specifically teaching/doing in the classroom to address civility?

 I would suggest that you EMBA programs and explore their sites and/or just EMBA ethics courses, or business ethics courses, and see what comes up.

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Management Theories: writing style english us ethics project
Reference No:- TGS0206413

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