Q1. The two one-dimensional arrays A and B are given, which are sorted in the ascending order. Write down a program to merge them to a single sorted array C which contains every item from arrays A and B in the ascending order.
Q2. Write down a function to display the binary number equivalent to the integer passed to it as argument.
Q3. What do you mean by black box testing? In brief describe the different black box test design methods.
Q4. Write down a function to sort the characters of the string passed to it as the argument.
Q5. A file of employees comprises data (eno, name and salary) for each employee of a company. Write down a program to do the given:
a) Create the file
b) Insertion in a file
c) Deletion from a file
d) Modification in a file
Q6. Differentiate between the given:
a) Automatic and static variables
b) Global and local variables