Writing part program for turret-type drill press


The part in Figure is to be drilled on a turret-type drill press. The part is 15.0 mm thick. There are three drill sizes to be used: 8 mm, 10 mm. and 12 mm. These drills are to be specified in the part program by tool turret positions T01,T02, and T03. All tooling is high speed steel. Cutting speed = 75 mm/min and feed = 0.08 mm/rev. Use the lower left corner of the pan as the origin in the x-y axis system. Write the part program in the word address format with TAB separation and variable word order. Use absolute positioning.

249_turret-type drill.JPG

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Other Engineering: Writing part program for turret-type drill press
Reference No:- TGS01979298

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