
Writing narrative about the student and classroom setting

Writing narrative about the student and classroom setting 200 word. After that fillling the chart with the information according to the case study that you have

Assessment, Administration, Analysis(Diagnosis), and Intervention/Instruction Response

What do you know? (K)

List all the facts about the student. List inferences and tie them to the corresponding facts.

What do you want to know? (W)

List additional data that you need for the next step in your diagnosis. Beside each data you need, note the data collection source/instrument and method you would use to gather the relevant information.

What have you learned? (L)

Based on the corresponding fact, state what you have learned about the student. List the student's strengths and weaknesses clearly.

What have you learned from the assessment you administered?

What intervention/instruction will you use to meet student's needs? (I)

Select any evidence-based intervention that you would use to meet the student's needs.

Use the ABC guide below to complete this column.

What is/are your long-term/short-term goal(s)? (G)

Develop goals based on your student's needs.

Ex.  A-1. Student reads at 4.6 grade level (WJ III)

Ex. W-1. What is student's fluency level? (DIBELS ORF)

Ex. Areas of weakness: Given an ORF assessment, student reads 85 CWPM.  Nondisabled peers reading fluency range 134-155 CWPM.

Areas of strength: Student's comprehension skills are not as low as would be expected. She uses context clues and picture clues to aid with comprehension.

Ex. Assessment-based learning objectives: Student will increase fluency to 115 CWPM by the end of the fall semester.


Specific diagnostically-based strategy:The student will be instructed using Repeated reading three times a week for 30 minutes.

Learning objective-based assessment:Student rate of progress will be assessed using Running Records

Ex. By the end of the fall semester, given instruction using Repeated Reading, Jane will increase her fluency by reading 115 CWPM self correcting 75%of the time as assessed by a Running Record.


























Ex. A-1. Student will struggle to read grade 11 material.

Ex. Fluency will impact comprehension because student will focus on word formation and not overall meaning of passage.

Ex. Student has not developed automaticity with basic sight words. Fluency (automaticity) would free the student's ability to focus on meaning of text.


















Go to section I after completing the first three columns. Use the instructions below to complete section I.  Be sure to link facts and inferences using letter and/or numbers.

A.      Develop assessment-based learning objectives for each row.

B.      State a specific diagnostically-based strategy for each learning objective (be able to support this choice)

C.       State the learning objective-based assessment you will use to assess student outcome (for your learning objective, be able to show a link between the skills needed in learning the objective and the skill needed to accurately reflect the level/degree of student learning).

Lastly write an annual goal in section Gfor each area of need identified.

Important: All descriptions in color are examples to assist you in completing this form. They are NOT to be used in your final project!

Trevor Rolfe is a 16-year-old sophomore student who attends Clay Local High School. Trevor has severe hearing loss, but uses hearing aids. His parents taught him sign language at a young age. Trevor also has 4/20 vision, but it is corrected when he is wearing glasses. Trevor has dyslexia, a minor learning disability, which inhibits him from completing the curriculum on his own, unlike his nondisabled peers. He is in an allinclusive classroom but because of his dyslexia he has an aid, which reads to him because he mixes up his letters and words, numbers, and signs.

When Trevor was about four months old, his parents noticed that he did not respond to them when they walked in the room. He was not startled by loud noises and did not seem to recognize when little things happened around him. Trevor's parents took him to a hearing specialist to discover what was wrong with him. Trevor was identified with vision loss at age two. When watching TV, he had to sit really close to the television and had trouble playing with different toys. He often forgot where he put things because he could not see them. They went to an eye specialist and they tested him with the clinical low-vision assessment, which recommended that would benefit from optical lenses.

Trevor says he wants to follow in his father's footsteps and become the Technology Coordinator at Clay High. Trevor took the OAA in 8
th grade and got a proficient in Reading scoring a 402 and a proficient (but low) Math score of 400. Since he is in 10th grade, he will be given a Career Assessment along with an Interest Survey administered by Career Specialists to determine what he is interested in. These tests will help Trevor's parents and educators make appropriate decisions when planning his postsecondary education. Trevor will also take the OGT, or the Ohio Graduation Test, at the end of his sophomore year so he can graduate and attend college. Trevor will take the ACT when he is a junior in hope to receive a composite score of 21.

While Trevor suffers from some impairments, he does well in school. Trevor's favorite subject is Math, but it does not come easy to him. Because of his dyslexia, he struggles with mixing up numbers and letters, making it hard for him to correctly copy down problems and formulas. This is especially challenging for him in Geometry because there are so many formulas that he has to memorize. He has no trouble memorizing the formulas, but when he tries to write them down he gets mixed up. However, he loves solving equations and is able to answer some upper level math problems.

Trevor's other main weakness is reading because of his dyslexia. He struggles with reading and writing. Trevor mixes up words and spells some things backwards making his work similar to cracking a code. However, he is determined to increase his reading level and works very hard to improve.

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Other Subject: Writing narrative about the student and classroom setting
Reference No:- TGS01128259

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