
Writing in academic and business contexts

Learning Outcomes:

A. Structure and present information orally and in writing in academic and business contexts using packages such as Word and PowerPoint

B. Select and appropriately use different modes of communication and develop strategies to overcome communication barriers and develop an appreciation of intercultural communication

C. Work effectively as an individual and in a team, plan and manage a program of work, express opinions and negotiate outcomes

D.  Demonstrate the ability to effectively communicate in different situations and apply gained knowledge to modern day work environments.

Assignment Task 1:

Purpose: This Task builds your oral and written communication skills and gives you real life understanding of the challenges and rewards of effective communication.

Topic: Communication Diary

Task details: At work, and personally, we are bombarded with business related messages on a daily basis. These messages come from a range of people/companies and may be through any number of formats including radio, television, email, telephone/mobile, computer, face to face meetings or even hand-written notes. They may be communicated to everyone, everyone at work, people in your team or just to you.

Some of these messages are memorable (for the right/wrong reasons) and others are not. Questions

For this assignment you are required to keep a diary for four different types of work/personal and/or study related communications you received.

1. Submit a record of the communications you received in a word table, using the below headings as a guide:

(a) Date

(b) Mode (e.g. radio, phone, email, tv)

(c) Type (e.g. advertisement, payment request and donor collection)

(d) Style (e.g. humorous, friendly, apologetic)

(e) Effective (i.e. yes/no)

(f) Why/why not effective (free text)

2. Choose two of these communications that you feel were well constructed or were able to get the message across and analyse why this was the case.

3. Choose two of these communications that you feel were poorly constructed or did not get the message across and analyse why this was the case.

4. Using your knowledge of theory taught in class, suggest methods that could improve the poorly constructed communications.

While writing the assignment consider factors such as:

o Communication process

o Nonverbal communication

o Interpersonal components

o Intercultural components

o Choice of media

o Timeliness

o Who, why, when and how it was communicated and the audience it was communicated.

Task 2:

Purpose: This Task allows you to demonstrate your ability to research, critically analyse trends and issues in your topic, and communicate your findings. The Task also allows you to further develop your team work and professional communication skills

Task topic: Climate Change Group Report - The South Pacific Ocean Countries. Task details:

Task Content Description: The principle of sustainability is to ensure that all existing resources will be maintained for future generations. Living sustainably is living within the means of our natural systems or environment and ensuring that our lifestyles don't harm society and or culture.

Task Requirement: In a group of a minimum of four or a maximum of five, provide a 2,500- word group report. To complete the report, each student must use a minimum of 4 scholarly references that have been written in the last five years and are credible and reliable. You are to discuss the following in detail with references:

o How is Climate Change effecting the Island countries of the South Pacific?

o Who and/or what is responsible?

o What measures can be taken/are being taken to address the situation?

o Are the North Pacific Ocean countries the same?

Task 3:

Purpose: This task allows you to display your presentation skills in class and demonstrate your application and understanding of the Climate Change effects South Pacific Ocean Countries

Task topic: Climate Change Group Report - The South Pacific Ocean Countries

Task details: Task Content Description: Each group member's presentation reflects part of the group report. This is the follow on from the written report ensuring each member can verbalise appropriately the climate change issues of South Pacific Countries.

The Task will be marked based on the following criteria: Visual appeal, comprehension, presentation skills, content, preparedness / participation and group dynamics. Further information about each criteria is available in the marking rubric.

In general, the following are some aspects to consider when developing the presentation and presenting:

o Is the presentation well structured: coherent approach, clear identity of beginning (summary), middle and end (conclusion); Well 'signposted' structure?

o Is there use of creativity: Is the content or presentation original or creative in some way? Are there unexpected features in the content / presentation beyond the expected?

o Does the content of the presentation relate to the title and or purpose of the presentation?

o Is the coverage of content sufficient?

o Is the depth of the content sufficient?

o Is the message of the presentation clearly put / argued?

o Is the argument consistent?

o Is sufficient evidence given to support arguments?

o Is there evidence of appropriate critical thinking?

o Are conclusions drawn appropriately?

o Is the focus sharp / to the point?

o Does the presenter put her own point of view in an appropriate manner?

o Is the audience engaged - is their attention maintained by the presenter?

o Is the response to questions and comment competent / accurate / adequate?

o Is the personal organisation of the presenter adequate (e.g. managing questions, notes, props)?

o Is time keeping managed well (enough)?

o Is the presenter audible?

o Is there clear (articulation)?

o Does the presenter have 'presence' and adequate confidence?

o Is the posture appropriate?

o Do the presenter make appropriate eye contact?

o Is the pacing appropriate?

o Is the use of the PowerPoints effective in quality and fitness for purpose?

Task 4: Individual Reflection Report

Task topic: Course Topic Reflection

Task details: You are to write a Reflective Journal on:

Part 1. how the readings, class activities, discussions observations and lectures have changed how you communicate at work or life

Part 2. the things your assignment group did well or not so well, and consider what you could do to improve in future group work

Part 3. how you will go from here to become a better communicator

Assignment Format: A title page - Individual KOI cover sheet, signed. No Abstract or Executive Summary or table of contents is required. This report should have a heading and two or more sub headings for each topic. The written text should be right and left justified and double spaced throughout. Please use a single column format.

A minimum of seven scholarly references in the Harvard Anglia style are required in order to pass this Task. However, for a high mark, you will need to use many more scholarly references. Only one Internet (www) resources will be allowed. It is very important that you assess the internet resource used for credibility.

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Tags: Intercultural Communication Assignment Help, Intercultural Communication Homework Help, Intercultural Communication Coursework, Intercultural Communication Solved Assignments, Communication In Business Assignment Help, Communication In Business Homework Help

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