
Writing function to find out the product of two matrices

Question 1) Write a function to evaluate a prefix / postfix expression.

Question 2) Write a function to sort an array using:

• bubble sort technique

•selection sort technique

•insertion sort technique

Array is passed to the function as argument.

Question 3) Write a function to delete an element from the array. Array, element to be deleted and size of the array are passed to the function as argument.

Question 4) Write a function that receives an array and a number as argument and returns number of occurrences of the number in the array.

Question 5) Write a function that receives an array and a number as argument and returns 1 if the number is found in the array else returns 0. (Search the number using binary search)

Question 6) Write a function that has three arrays a, b, c as arguments of size m, n and m + n respectively. The array a is in ascending order, b is in descending order and function should merge both the arrays and stores them in c in descending order.

Question 7) Write a function that receives a 2D array of integers as argument and prints the sum of row elements and column elements separately.

Question 8) Write a function to find out the product of two matrices. Matrices are passed to the function as argument.

Question 9) Write a function to transpose a square matrix. Matrix is passed to the function as argument.

Question 10) Write a function to check the equality of two matrices. Matrices are passed to the function as argument and function returns 1 if they are equal else returns 0.

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C/C++ Programming: Writing function to find out the product of two matrices
Reference No:- TGS04908

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