
Writing function to find common alphabets between two arrays

1. Write a function to determine common alphabets between two arrays. Also write Test Cases, Test Data & Test Results for validating the program. Length of array is not fixed and array might contain other data type also.”
Example: [2, *, @, 5, %, $, a], [a, !, 5, $, +, =, 9] from these array, a and 5 are common elements.

2. "Write the function for finding out highest and lowest marks obtained by the student from an array contained student name and marks".
For Example :
GetHighestLowestMarks{Student{n}, Marks{n}} returns an array contain student name and marks.

3. “Write the function for determining the occurrences of repeated word from a sentence. This function will return an array of duplicate words.”
For Example: “India is my country. I love my country very much. I love its varied heritage.” Here the repeated words are :
I – occur – 2 times
Love – occur – 2 times
Country – occur – 2 times

4. Write the function for replacing all occurrences of a specified string value with another value.
For Example: “I love chatting with friends.”
Replace: “friends”, “girls”. It should return: “I love chatting with girls”.

5. Write the function for removing duplicate elements from the given array and sort that array. (Without using inbuilt functions).
For Example:
Array =  {2, 1, 3, 2, 4, 4, 6, 5, 6}
Output = {1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6}

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Programming Languages: Writing function to find common alphabets between two arrays
Reference No:- TGS01496

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