Q. 1 Write and run following programmes in C-language and calculate its total time complexity.
(i) Generate a Fibonaci series of 10 numbers.
(ii) Determine the largest number in an array.
(iii) Determine GCD of two positive integers X and Y.
Q.2 Demonstrate how following matrices must be multiplied using Strassen’s algorithm.
X = 
and Y =
Q.3 Determine O (big O) notation for the following function.
f (n) = 6n2 + 7
Q.4 Determine Ω (big omega) notation for the following function.
f (n) = 15n2 +5n
Q.5 Determine θ (big theta) notation for the following function.
F (n) = 15n2 + 5n
Q.6 Write and run Quicksort programme and count number of exchange operations in programme. Apply programme for the following 8-element array and show the step by step output.
6 3 2 8 12 11 9 10