Writing Assignment : Comparison-Contrast Analysis
An essay in which you compare and contrast two objects, concepts, or ideas. You are encouraged to use your field of study to help in generating a topic for this essay.
TOPIC - Two methods of performance appraisal for an employee
Requirements The essay should be 1000-1500 words in length. The essay must cite at least two sources to support your points.
Organization Your essay should have the following:
• An introductory paragraph with a thesis statement.
• At least three body paragraphs that illustrate at least three major points and defend these points by referring to the articles you have found on the topic.
• You will want to paraphrase or quote from the texts as appropriate. o In citing your sources, please use APA style. o Your body paragraphs should follow the alternating pattern of organization.
• Your body paragraphs should analyze at least two points of contrast.
• You may have three or four points of contrast, but you must have at least two. You may include a paragraph about one or two similarities if you would like.
• A compelling concluding paragraph.