
Writing an art review

Order Description:

Write an art review (music, film, installation, dance, et. al.) review in which the film or album is described, then explain and analyze that piece of art according to the rules of expository writing. This piece of art must be new to 2014.

English 1101 Fall 2014 English Composition I Georgia State University

Essay Two: Expository Essay

The Inspiration Our discussions on description and analysis.

The Assignment You will be writing a 1250-1500 word (4-5 pages) essay. You will pick one of the following topics:

– Write an art review (music, film, installation, dance, et. al.) review in which the film or album is described, then explain and analyze that piece of art according to the rules of expository writing.  This piece of art must be new to 2014.

The Explanation This paper asks you to use your critical thinking skills to construct a narrative about something that requires a process to create/do/play. For a good resource, read some music/food/film reviews in the New York Times. Get out there and see/listen/smell/touch some art!

The Do’s – This essay should be evaluative, analytic, and imaginative. Remember:  Is not only the narrative that makes a piece of writing interesting, but how the narrative is told.

– Do brainstorm. Try to jot down a few of the different arguments before choosing what to focus on.

– Do ask questions. My office door is open to you and I am readily available via email.  The Don’t’s – Don’t wait until the last minute to write this.  It will take a while to get an argument fully formed.

– Don’t ramble. Some information might not be important to this essay. As a good rule, if you are uncertain whether something is important to the story or not, it typically is not.  Ask a friend.

– Try to stay focused on the topic at hand.  While this essay does ask you to examine and describe a process, remember that the process should have some larger significance that you should focus on as well.

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