
Writing about a home visit

This paper needs to be 3-4 full length papers SINGLE spaced, 12font, new times roman. This paper is writting about a Home Visit that I as a school teacher supposedly done with a child. Basically I have to pretend that I visited a student/child and write about these 7 sections.

1."Before the visit" (What and how did I do to prepare for the visit)

2. During the Visit ( What happened during the visit and sequence of events, what did I learn related to the purpose of visit?)

3. Daily Routines ( Basically write about the child's daily routine)

4. Family Involvement ( how are the family involved in their child's educaiton.)

5. After the visit ( What happened when I left the home, any follow-up, summary of implications for work with child and family, and summary of implications for family partnerships in general?)

6. Professional Parent-teacher relationship ( why do I think having a parent and teacher relationship is important.)

7. Lessoned Learned (What did I learn doing this home visit, any comments or sugggestions)

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Other Subject: Writing about a home visit
Reference No:- TGS0553577

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