
Writing a report about the expriment meter circuits your

Writing a report about the expriment meter circuits.

Your report should include the following:

1. A discussion of the technique for measuring the meter internal resistance.

2. A discussion of the principles of operation of each of the circuits constructed.

3. A discussion of the equation for the decade box resistance setting in part 2 of step 2.

4. An explanation for the difference in the readings obtained with the two constructed voltmeters.

Laboratory Report Format

1. Each individual shall submit a report. It is understood that group members will have the same set of data to work with.

2. All reports shall be prepared using a word processor.

3. Laboratory reports shall consist of the following parts:

a) Cover sheet.

b) Objective - a short paragraph stating what the experiment is about.

c) Procedure - a description of the process of conducting the experiment. It should not be a step-by-step account, but rather an overview of what was done.

d) Discussion - a complete discussion of the results of the experiment and the principles involved. It is important to state the relevant circuit laws and theorems, and the degree to which the measured results agreed with those expected based on circuit theory. Include circuit schematics, tables of data, plots, and sample calculations as needed to support the statements made in this section. Relegate extensive lists of raw data and detailed computations to an appendix as appropriate.

e) Conclusion - a summary of what you have learned from the experiment.

f) Appendix - original raw data (initialed by the lab instructor) and details not placed in the discussion section.

4. The laboratory reports will be graded based upon appearance, quality of the data, sample calculations, and your discussion of the results and the principles involved. The discussion section will account for approximately 80% of the overall grade.

5. Lab reports are due at the beginning of the subsequent lab meeting, generally one week later. The credit for a lab report will be reduced by 10%/day beyond the due date. If you have a bona fide attendance excuse (illness, funeral, etc.), the due date may be extended if you communicate with the lab instructor in a timely manner.

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Electrical Engineering: Writing a report about the expriment meter circuits your
Reference No:- TGS01459508

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