
Writing a program to maintain the student

You must use Arrays and Functions to do this. If you don't, then you loose big portion of your grade.

Here you will be writing a program to maintain the student database. Your program will maintain the student information such as names, Id's, and the exam1 score, exam2 score and exam3 score.

Here is the description of the project.

Write a program with 5 arrays.






Your program should display the following menu of choices to the user. It should perform the operations as suggested by the user and always come back to the menu and wait for the user to type in her/his choice.

Type P to populate the student information.

Type U to update student Information

Type D to display the student information.

Type C to calculate the Grade.

Type E to exit.

If the user types P
Ask the user to enter the 10 student names, ID's , and score1, score2 and score 3 for each of the student. Return to the menu.

If the user types D then:
Ask the user to enter the ID of the student. Search for the student in the ID array and display student name, ID, score1, score2, score3. Return to the menu.
If the user types U then:
Ask the user to enter the ID of the student. Search for the student in the ID array and display student name, ID, score1, score2, score3. Ask the user to enter the new scores for the student. Update the Score1, Score2, and Score3 arrays at that position.

If the user types C then
Ask the user for the student ID. Find the student Id in the ID array. Calculate the average of the three scores for that student and display the grade of that student. The grade should be calculated based on the following criteria. If the average is between 90 and 100, then the grade is A. If the average is between 80 and 89, then the grade should be B. If the average is between 70 and 79, then grade should be C. If the average is between 70 and 69 then the grade should be D. If the average is below 60, then the grade is F. Return to the main menu
If the user types E. then:
Terminate the main program.
If the user types any other option
Display the message "Invalid Choice. Try again" and go back and display the menu.

You program must keep displaying the menu until the user types the option E, to exit the program. For this, you can use, while..wend loop.

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Basic Computer Science: Writing a program to maintain the student
Reference No:- TGS0815578

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