Imagine that you are writing a paper about graphic novels and/or comic books. You can focus on anything related to this topic, such as history of graphic novels, the variety of graphic novels available, the social importance or impact of graphic novels, the comics code, specific artists and writers, etc.
With your topic in mind, find each type of source listed below and write a correct MLA and APA style citation for each.
Exercise 8.1 Collecting and Citing Sources
1. Scholarly book with one to three author(s)
2. Chapter or essay in an edited book
3. Article in a print scholarly journal (if the journal is paginated by issue or volume, check that you handle this correctly)
4. Article in print popular magazine
5. Article in a print newspaper
6. Article in an online magazine
7. Blog posting
8. Website
9. Movie, television show, or music CD
10. Interview you have conducted
11. E-mail communication
12. Book review
13. Artwork (photo, drawing, sculpture, etc.)
14. An online or print reference work
15. Type of source not listed above* (This can be like an electronic book)