


•? Students have been assigned to a case study

•? San Francisco InternaAonal Airport

•? DBS Bank

•? Each student should write an individual report of max. 2500 words.


•? Read the assigned case study thoroughly - again.

•? Read the T1 2016 MIS782 assessment instrucAons thoroughly.

•? Write an individual report analysing how social media analytics can generate value for your case organisation. Your report may - but is not required to - contain the following:

1.? IntroducAon to social media analytics in your organisation (an investment area)

2.? Bene?ts of invesAng in social media analyAcs
•? ApplicaAon of theory x
•? ApplicaAon of theory y
•? ApplicaAon of theory z

3.? Overall analysis of investment in social media analyAcs

4.? Conclusion


This is an individual assignment, which requires you to demonstrate an understanding of how an investment in social media analytics can generate business value and improve a business' overall competitiveness, by producing a 2500 word report on your findings. The report should allow you to demonstrate your ability to apply concepts and theories from the unit that have not yet been applied in the previous two assignments. That is, you need to apply learnings from the unit as whole.

Case Study

Continue using the case study assigned to you for your first and second assessment item:

Case study 1: "San Francisco International Airport and Quantum Secure's SAFE for Aviation System".

Case study 2: "Rewiring the Enterprise for Digital Innovation: The Case of DBS Bank".

It is highly recommended that you re-read your assigned case study.

Develop an academic report in which you make an argument for an investment in social media analytics by applying the relevant concepts and theories you have been taught throughout the unit. You have to be specific and provide an analysis of a social media analytics investment that fits your case organisation - application of the investment where it makes the most sense.

It is not recommended that you focus on describing theories; it is necessary that you demonstrate you are able to provide sound arguments for why your case organisation should or should not invest in social media analytics to improve their business competitiveness based on what you have learned in MIS782 Business Value of Information.

How an investment in social media analytics can generate business value and improve a business' overall competitiveness,"

Requirement is to follow the instructions and rubric in attached files and write a report. It should be written for the CASE STUDY I have attached and the main question is "how an investment in social media analytics can generate business value and improve a business' overall competitiveness,"

2500 words.

10 harvard reference.

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: Writeanindividualreportanalysinghowsocialmediaanalyticscan
Reference No:- TGS01406121

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