
Write your thoughts about craig and lessner article finding

The invention strategy we will be working on today is freewriting. Please read the Craig and Lessner article, and then write your thoughts (freewrite). The point here is not to necessarily quote directly from the article or critically analyze the article. The purpose is to just write about what you think the authors are trying to say to you as a reader of the article. Also, does the article evoke any other memories or thoughts that you want to write about?

After you finish freewriting from the article, I would like you to complete a second freewrite.  freewrite about media literacy, media consumption, media use, etc.

Article is:-"Finding Your Way In": Invention as Inquiry Based Learning in First Year Writing  by Steven Lessner and Collin Craig.

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Other Subject: Write your thoughts about craig and lessner article finding
Reference No:- TGS01514123

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