
Write your own codes to implement two strategies of adamic

Assignment: Algorithms for Complex Networks

1. Select a network dataset either from the course's Blackboard page or from The Index of Complex Networks. The network should be unweighted and undirected, and not too large.

2. Run your own breadth- rst search (or any other algorithm) to calculate component sizes and identify the largest connected component.

3. Write your own codes to implement two strategies of Adamic et al.:

3.1 The self-avoiding degree-seeking local search.
3.2 The degree-biased random walk.

4. Run the algorithms for at least 20 pairs of nodes in the largest connected component.

5. Present the results in an appropriate manner. For example, a plot with the distance found by degree-seeking search on the x-axis, and the distance found by the degree-biased random walk the y-axis.

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Computer Engineering: Write your own codes to implement two strategies of adamic
Reference No:- TGS02673352

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