Write up the following transactions and trial balance.
The following transactions took place during the month of May:
May 1 started firm with capital in cash of £250.
" 2 Bought goods on credit from the following persons:
R Kelly £54; PcombS £87;
- J Role £25; D Mobile £76; I. Sims £64.
" 4 Sold goods on credit to: C Blanes £43; B Long £62; F Skin £176.
" 6 Paid rent by cash £12.
" 9 C Blanes paid us his account by cheque £43.
" 10 F Skin paid us £150 by cheque.
" 12 We paid the following by cheque: J Role £25; R Kelley £54.
" 15 Paid carriage by cash £23.
" 18 Bought goods on credit from P Combs £43; Mobile £110.
" 21 Sold goods on credit to B Long £67.
" 31 Paid rent by cheque £18.