Write up a two-column cash book for a bedroom furniture shop from the following details, and balance it off as at the end of the month:
1 Started in business with capital in cash £10,000.
2 Paid rent by cash £1,000.
3 G. Broad lent us £12,000, paid by cheque.
4 We paid J. Fine by cheque £1,800.
5 Cash sales £800.
7 F. Love paid us by cheque £200.
9 We paid A. Moore in cash £300.
11 Cash sales paid direct into the bank £600.
15 P. Hood paid us in cash £700.
16 We took £4,000 out of the cash till and paid it into the bank account.
19 We repaid R. Onions £2,000 by cheque.
22 Cash sales paid direct into the bank £1,200.
26 Paid motor expenses by cheque £460.
30 Withdrew £320 cash from the bank for business use.
31 Paid wages in cash £1,200.