ACT Prompt:
Each year, many books and other educational material are challenged by parents and school communities because they are considered "harmful to minors." This includes many classic academic works such as The Handmaid's Tale and I Know Why the Caged Bird Sings. However, many people believe that "banning" these books prevents students from learning about relevant issues and shelters them from the realities of the world. In your opinion, should books be banned from school if they contain material that could be considered offensive?
Perspective 1
Some books contain delicate topics or explicit information and are unsuitable for school and classroom use. Any book in question should not be part of a school or classroom library.
Perspective 2
Not all books with controversial topics are inappropriate. Librarians should monitor books for age-appropriate topics and decide if they are suitable for school or classroom use.
Perspective 3
While parents may choose what their own children read, they do not have the right to tell other students what to read. All books should be available in a school library. For many students, books are a safe place to explore new ideas.
Essay Task: Write a unified, coherent essay about challenged and banned books. In your essay, be sure to:
a) Clearly state your own perspective on the issue and analyze the relationship between your perspective and at least one other perspective
b) develop and support your ideas with reasoning and examples
c) organize your ideas clearly and logically
d) communicate your ideas effectively in standard written English.