write two essays as outlined as:
- Write a formal essay (using MLA format) on the unusual stylistic effects (and their effects on the reader) used by Emily Dickinson in her poem Because I Could Not Stop For Death. The essay should be a minimum of 5 paragraphs.
§ When considering these effects, one must touch upon the following topics:
o Rhyme
o Rhythm
o Diction
o Capitalization
o Similes
o Metaphors
§ Please consult the following rubric for marking purposes.
- Poetry of Dickenson, Lampman, Williams or Souster
Level 1
Level 2
Level 3
Level 4
Knowledge/ Understanding Demonstrates knowledge and understanding of poetic form and style
Demonstrates limited knowledge and understanding of poetic form and of the use and effect of stylistic devices
Demonstrates some knowledge and understanding of poetic form and of the use of stylistic devices
Demonstrates considerable knowledge and understanding of poetic form and of the use and effect of stylistic devices
Demonstrates thorough knowledge and understanding of poetic form and of the use and effect of stylistic devices
Thinking/Inquiry Reflects use of critical/creative thinking processes - engages in meaningful discussion about the poem
Demonstrates use of processing skills to interpret, analyze, and synthesize information, with the use of specific examples for support
Reflects limited ability to engage in meaningful discussion of poem; generalizes without support for ideas
Reflects some ability to engage in meaningful discussion of the poem
Some use of examples to support ideas
Examples are relevant, but somewhat inaccurate, or insufficient
Makes a meaningful and critical comment on the poem
Considerable analysis of a number of examples to support ideas
Examples are relevant, accurate, and sufficient
Makes original and insightful comments on poem
Exceptional analysis of examples provides relevant, accurate, and effective support for ideas
Communication Expresses and organizes ideas and information (clear expression, logical organization)
Uses conventions (grammar, spelling, punctuation, usage), appropriate vocabulary and terminology
Communicates information and ideas with limited logic and clarity
Occasionally uses language conventions correctly; several errors are evident and often interfere with the reader's understanding
Uses an informal tone and inappropriate diction
Communicates information and ideas with some logic and clarity
Frequently uses conventions correctly; some errors are evident and occasionally interfere with the reader's understanding
Uses a formal tone; diction is somewhat inconsistent
Communicates ideas and information with considerable clarity; ideas are well organized
Uses most conventions correctly; some minor errors are evident, but do not interfere with the reader's understanding
Uses a formal tone; diction is consistent and appropriate
Communicates ideas and information clearly, logically and effectively
Uses conventions correctly; a few minor errors
Effectively uses a formal tone; appropriate diction and terminology
Application Makes connections within and between various contexts (text to self, text to text, text to world) - the poet's use of stylistic devices and their effect on the reader
Makes limited connections between the poet's use of stylistic devices and their effect on the reader
Makes some connections between the poet's use of stylistic devices and their effect on the reader
Makes effective connections between the poet's use of stylistic devices and their effect on the reader
Makes highly effective connections between the poet's use of stylistic devices and their effect on the reader
- Write a formal essay (using MLA format) on the use of black humour in the works of Seth Rogan (the Simpsons, Family Guy, Pinapple Express, etc.). The essay should be a minimum of five paragraphs.
§ When considering these effects, one must touch upon the following topics:
o Grotesque
o Irony
o Exaggeration
o Bizarre visual imagery
§ Please consult the following rubric for marking purposes.
- Poetry of Ondaatje or Atwood
Level 1
Level 2
Level 3
Level 4
Knowledge/ Understanding
Demonstrates an understanding of the use and effects of dark humour
Demonstrates limited knowledge and understanding of the use and effects of dark humour
Demonstrates some knowledge and understanding of the use and effects of dark humour
Demonstrates considerable knowledge and understanding of the use and effects of dark humour
Demonstrates thorough knowledge and understanding of the use and effects of dark humour
Thinking/ Inquiry
Reflects use of critical/creative thinking processes - engages in meaningful discussion
Demonstrates use of processing skills to interpret, analyze, and synthesize information, with the use of specific examples for support
Reflects limited ability to engage in meaningful discussion on the use and effect of dark humour; generalizes without support for ideas
Reflects some ability to engage in meaningful discussion on the use and effect of dark humour
Ideas are sometimes supported with examples, but examples are somewhat inappropriate or irrelevant
Makes a meaningful and critical comment on the use and effect of dark humour
Considerable analysis of a number of examples to support ideas
Examples are relevant, accurate, and sufficient
Makes original and insightful comments on the use and effect of dark humour
Exceptional analysis of examples provides relevant, accurate, and effective support for ideas
Expresses and organizes ideas and information (clear expression, logical organization)
Uses conventions (grammar, spelling, punctuation, usage), appropriate vocabulary and terminology
Communicates information and ideas with limited logic and clarity
Occasionally uses language conventions correctly; several errors are evident and often interfere with the reader's understanding
Uses an informal tone and inappropriate diction
Communicates information and ideas with some logic and clarity
Frequently uses conventions correctly; some errors are evident and occasionally interfere with the reader's understanding
Uses a formal tone; diction is somewhat inconsistent
Communicates ideas and information with considerable clarity; ideas are well organized
Uses most conventions correctly; some minor errors are evident, but do not interfere with the reader's understanding
Uses a formal tone; diction is consistent and appropriate
Communicates ideas and information clearly, logically and effectively
Uses conventions correctly; a few minor errors
Effectively uses a formal tone; appropriate diction and terminology
Uses accurate MLA formatting and provides complete references for in-text citations
Makes connections within and between various contexts (text to self, text to text, text to world) - the writer's use of dark humour and its effectiveness
Formats paper, documents sources inaccurately and incompletely
Makes limited connections between the writer's use of dark humour and its effect on the audience
Formats paper, documents sources accurately but inconsistently
Makes some connections between the writer's use of dark humour and its effect on the audience
Formats paper, documents most sources accurately and completely; minor errors
Makes effective connections between the writer's use of dark humour and its effect on the audience
Formats paper, documents sources accurately and completely
Makes highly effective connections between the writer's use of dark humour and its effect on the audience