
Write transition table for state-inputs and new states

1) The gate with 3 rotating arms at waist height is utilized to control access to the subway in New York city. Originally, arms of gate are locked preventing customers from passing through. Unlocking arms needs depositing the token in slot, that permits arms to rotate to complete turn tht permits one customer to push through and enter. Once customer passes through arms are then locked again until another customer deposits another token in slot.

Gate has 2 states: LOCKED and UNLOCKED. It also has 2 inputs: TOKEN and PUSH. When gate is locked, pushing arm of gate has no effect regardless of how many times it is pushed. Input TOKEN changes state from LOCKED to UNLOCKED. When gate is in UNLOCKED state, inserting additional tokens has no effect on state. But when in UNLOCKED state, PUSH input changes state to LOCKED.

a) Give the transition table illustrating each state, inputs, and resulting new states for each input

b) Represent the transition table into digraph (transition diagram).

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Mathematics: Write transition table for state-inputs and new states
Reference No:- TGS0868190

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