Prompt: For this assignment, write three-page essay in which you present both side of the current immigration debate and then present a compromise. Use the Gun Control sample (on BB) as your guideline. As part of the pre-writing stage, develop three columns; column 1: For Obama's executive order; column 2: Against Obama's executive order; column 3: your compromise. Under each column, list the claim, the reasons, the evidence, and the objections (refutation). You need to cite at least three journal articles and two books.
Issue: president Obama's immigration executive order .
First paragraph is introduction include three points:
1- opining statement (topic) what essay about ? how want to explain that 1-2 sentences
Ex. On (data) president Obama's issued an executive order to provide temporary protect from deportation of 3-4 million illegal people present in the U.S who are the parents of children born in the U.S.
2- Background info (from prompt) 5-8 sentence (why the issue requires discussing)
Ex. 1(data-year) president Regan issue an amnesty in which in providen legalization ....)
Value) 3- thesis statement (how) I agree (claim
Ex. I agree with president ......separating families based on immigration status is both wrong and against the fundamental American values
Second paragraph
Explain your reason . include 2-3 sentences from article
In this formal full name of author, author expertise, source, author tag, book(title) or "Article" (date), he writes or he argues" ...................."(pg#).
Third paragraph
What are you evidences? Use appeal for the Evidence. include 2-3 sentences from article
Four paragraph
Objections for other side
Ex. The opponents of president executive order.
Finally, conclusion.