
Write their own lament using the psalms as examples


The biblical authors understood that the world around them was broken, full of injustice, pain and suffering. In the face of such chaos, they lamented to God all the wrongs that they experienced and witnessed. The student will read 5 Psalms of lament, over a 5 day period, writing a brief reflection of how they felt from reading of each chapter (paragraph for each Psalm).

The student will also write their own lament, using the Psalms as examples. The student should consider including in their lament: (i) a description of some wrong or injustice, (ii) a sorrowful explanation of the consequences and impact of such wrong, (iii) a complaint or request of what God should or could be doing to right the wrong, (iv) a hopeful exclamation of trust in God's actions to better things.

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Reference No:- TGS03228864

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