
Write the windows cli commands that will clear the screen

1. Write the Windows CLI commands that will Clear the screen; Turn off Command echo; and display the current IP address, Subnet Mask, and Default Gateway.

2. Write the Windows CLI NET commands that will turn the Spooler service OFF and then ON.

3. Write the VBScript code lines that define a constant TAXRATE that is 25%, a variable basePay that is $1000, and a variable bonusPay that is $500. Calculate the net pay, and assign that value to netPay. Then, calculate the taxes, and assign that value to taxWithheld.

4. Given the variables hoursWorked and payRate, write the VBScript code that will calculate grossPay such that all hoursWorked 40 will be paid at time and a half.

1. Write the VBScript code that uses a Do Until loop to display all of the integer values stored in the array numArray(100).

2. Write a VBScript function called MaxNum that accepts two numbers and returns the largest to the two numbers.

3. Write the VBScript code that defines the Scripting.FileSystemObject and the file C:\Data\DataFile.txt for writing. Make sure the file will be created if it doesn't exist, and ensure that the format is ASCII.

4. Assuming that you are connected to a database called Computers.mdb with the fields Computer, Hostname Room_Num, CPU_Type, Num_CPUs, Bit_Size, OS_Type, Memory, Speed and HDD_Size, write the SQL Query String sqlStr such that all the fields will be displayed for the records that indicate a speed less than two and a memory value less than four. The returned records should be sorted by Room_Num.

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Basic Computer Science: Write the windows cli commands that will clear the screen
Reference No:- TGS01085970

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