1. What are two common ways to configure or define logic to PLD programming software?
2. What does HDL stand for in the acronym VHDL?
3. List the six steps in the PLD design flow.
4. How many different ICs would it take to implement the following equations?
(a) X = AB + (BC)‾
(b) Y = (AB)‾ + BC‾ + (C + D)‾
5. How is pin 1 identified in the PLCC package style used for the PLD in the below Figure?
Figure: Implementing the equation X = A‾B + (B + C)‾ using PLD
6. Define the purpose of the following three VHDL program segments:
(a) Library
(b) Entity
(c) Architecture
7. Write the VHDL entity declare for a three-input AND gate.
8. Write the VHDL architecture for a three-input AND gate.
9. Draw the logic circuit to be implemented by the following VHDL architecture body:
x < = (a AND (b OR c));
y < = (a OR NOT b) AND NOT (b AND c);
z < = NOT (b AND c) OR NOT (a OR c);
END arc;