Risk Age Pressure Smoker
12 57 152 No
24 67 163 No
13 58 155 No
56 86 177 Yes
28 59 196 No
51 76 189 Yes
18 56 155 Yes
31 78 120 No
37 80 135 Yes
15 78 98 No
22 71 152 No
36 70 173 Yes
15 67 135 Yes
48 77 209 Yes
15 60 199 No
36 82 119 Yes
8 66 166 No
34 80 125 Yes
3 62 117 No
37 59 207 Yes
1. Write the regression equation. 2. Interpret the regression constant and regression coefficient, 3. Forecast a value for the dependent variable,4. Test the significant of the regression coefficient at an alpha level of .05, 5.Test the overall significant of the regression model,6. Interpret the coefficient of determination.7 just look for indications of multicollinearity. These questions are to be answered using excel or minitab. Do not solve by hand.