
Write the pseudocode for performing a currency conversion


The following three following problems require you to develop basic pseudocode.

Problems #1 & 2 are worth 30 points each and Problem #3 is worth 40 points

1) Write the pseudocode for the following task:

Find the volume of a cube given input from the user. Perform the calculation and display the result.

In order to find the volume of a cube, you need to know the formula. So generally, all that is required is to multiply the cube's length × width × height. Since a cube's sides are all equal in length, another way of thinking of a cube's volume is s3, where s is the length of one of the cube's sides.

2) Write the pseudocode for the following task:

You are given a box of marbles. The colors of the marbles are red, yellow, and green. Search for a red marble in the box of marbles.

There is no direct user input other than having a box of some unknown quantity of marbles

Your output is finding one or more red marbles that are in the box and providing an integer value of how many were found.

3) Write the pseudocode for performing a currency conversion from pennies to other forms of currency (i.e, dollars, quarters, dimes, nickels) in addition to any remaining pennies.

There is a single input of the number of pennies.

There will be several outputs: the number of dollar bills, quarters, dimes, nickels, and remaining pennies to be returned.

For example: If you input 237 (pennies), you will receive an output of:

2 dollar bills
1 quarter
1 dime
0 nickels
2 pennies

Instructions: This assignment has only a single task!. Complete the following task below and copy your completed source code to canvas.

Task #2 Debugging a Program that someone else wrote.

Now that you've explained some computing system basics to Dilberts' boss, he is giving you a task that requires you to debug some previously developed source code. The person that wrote this code was impatient, never developed the pseudocode, and sat down the write the code immediately. So, the algorithm that this program was never desk checked and neither was the code. Expect errors!!!

As the status of this code is unknown, your job is to make sure that this program runs correctly and that you get the correct end results. Desk check and debug the program! You may need to correct logic errors that could be due to conversion between data types, syntax errors, literal names, order of operations, or formula problems.

1. Copy the code listing java from the source code below into your IDE.

2. Study the code to familiarize yourself with it. Note that having comments helps someone looking at an existing program. NOTE: When you copy the code listing, the double quotation marks may not copy properly to your environment...

3. Fix any very noticeable problems with the syntax.

4. Compile your source code.

5. Re-Compile your source code after you fix syntax problems that you probably missed!

6. When your program compiles (without any error messages), take a look at the formulas that are in the code:

average = (score1 + score2)/numberOfScores
Celsius = 5/9(Farenheit-32)
Volume = 4/3 (PI * radius3)
Perimeter = 2 * (side1 * side2)
Swapping variables is moving the contents of variables
a > b
without changing their original contents

Make sure that you understand the formulas and what the outputs would be for their respective inputs.

1. Run the program, and observe the output. Look at one formula at a time and make sure that the output makes sense before you continue! Desk check your results! Fix any logic errors that you find.

2. Each time you make changes to the program code, you should compile again for the changes to take effect before running the program again.


Code Listing (NewProgrammer.java)
Help this programmer out!
public class NewProgrammer
public static void main (String [] args)
// variable declarations
final int NUMBER = 2; // number of scores
final int SCORE1 = 100; // first test score
final int SCORE2 = 95 // second test score
double average; // arithmetic average
final int BOILING_IN_F = 212; // freezing temperature
int fToC; // temperature in Celsius
int radius = 10; // radius of the sphere;
final double PI = 3.14159; // value of PI
double volume; // volume of a sphere
int perimeter; // perimeter of a rectangle
side1 = 10; / length of a rectangle
Side2 = 20; // width of a rectangle
int a, b;
a = 15;
b = 27;
// All of the algorithms
// Find an arithmetic average
average = score1 + SCORE2 / NUMBER;
output = SCORE1 + " and " + SCORE2 + " have an average of " + average;
// Convert Fahrenheit temperatures to Celsius
fToC = 5/9 * (BOILING_IN_F - 32);
output = BOILING_IN_F + " in Fahrenheit is " + fToC + " in Celsius.";
// Find the volume of a sphere
Volume = 4/3 (PI * (radius * radius * radius))
System.out.println("The volume of the sphere that has a radius of " + radius + " is " + volume);
// Find the perimeter of a rectangle
Perrimeter = 2 * side1 * side2;
System.out.println("The perimeter of a rectangle with side " + length + " and " + sode2 + " is "+ perimeter);
// Swap the contents of the variables a and b
System.out.println("Before swapping : a, b = "+a+", "+ + b);
temp = a;
a = b;
b = temp;
System.out.println("After swapping : a, b = "+a+", "+ + b);

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Computer Engineering: Write the pseudocode for performing a currency conversion
Reference No:- TGS02660389

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