
Write the principles of taxonomy and systematices in brief

1. (a) Describe why is it necessary to classify plants and animals.

(b) Write the principles of taxonomy and systematices in brief.

(c) What is omnispective classification?

2. (a) Why are cytological evidences and physiological evidences essential in systematic research?

(b) What are Semantides and how plant proteins can be used for chemotaxonomic purposes?

3. (a) Describe the procedure used in Immunotaxonomy.

(b) Differentiate between Alpha taxonomy and Omega taxonomy.

(c) Describe the principles of Binomial nomenclature.

4. (a) Describe the role of a botanic garden.

(b) Discuss main problems of two kingdom classification system.

5. Short notes:
(a) Type specimens
(b) Numerical taxonomy
(c) Phenetic classification
(d) Artifical system of classification

6. With the help of an example of host-parasite relationship explain the concept of Co- evolution.

7. Describe the mechanisms of speciation.

8. Make a comparison between Homo habilis and Homo erectus.

9. How the continuous learning process had made man different from other organisms?

10. Discuss the evidence furnished by comparative embryology in support of evolution.

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Biology: Write the principles of taxonomy and systematices in brief
Reference No:- TGS01078228

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