
Write the movie review - within the introduction include a

Write the given movie review.

Tthe criteria is below, it pretty lenghty however the length of the assignment is only 2 to 3 pages.


Within this introduction include a short description of the movie (including its title) and why you were drawn to select this film. Yourdescription should not simply be: "Because I like murder mysteries." Thinkdeeper. We all have reasons to watch certain things. For example, I am drawn tothe Walking Dead not so much for the "zombie" thing, but more because it isinteresting to consider what people are "pushed to" in certain situations (i.e.cannibalism, etc.). There is actually a criminological theory, anomie, whichoffers possible explanations. (1-2 paragraphs)

Summary: In this section you should describe the overall plot of the movie.Again, you want to think deeper. Aspects of symbolism and history areimportant contextual frameworks to consider. What questions are leftunanswered? Are aspects of society left out and is this intentional? You are allamazing "thinkers" - use your insight. Please try to steer clear of simply"Googling" the movie to find this information. Remember - you are academicsand the Google reviews often times focus on the cinematic elements(1-2paragraphs)

Theoretical Insights: This is where your course work becomes critical. Thinkabout a theory that has been used throughout your coursework. What theory ortheories best speak to the plot of this movie. Describe the theory and how is it 4used in terms of understand crime or events in our world. (A solid paragraph ortwo for each theory - a page or two maximum)

Analysis: This is where you really shine. Take the theory or theories that youarticulated in the previous paragraph and connect them to specific aspects of themovie. Here is one writing structure you can use: During the film (describe aspecific situation) occurred. This situation fits well into (theory) because (linkspecific details of the theory to specific details of the film).

Example: During the conclusion of the movie Seven the main character (BradPitt) confronts the serial killer (Kevin Spacey). After discovering that Spacey hasbrutally killed his wife by cutting off her head, Pitt is portrayed as having apsychotic moment. Pitt's actions are best viewed through the lens of self-controltheory. As discussed earlier, this theory refers to a person's ability to alter his orher own states and responses. Throughout the movie Pitt exhibits specificexamples of a lack of self-control. Examples include entering a residencewithout a warrant or for his regular bursts of anger related to his partner'sapproach to solving crime. At the conclusion of the film, Pitt's behavior fits intothe irresistible impulse test employed by some states when considering insanity.The defendant can be thought of as not guilty if the person, by virtue of his or hermental state or psychological condition, was not able to resist committing theaction in question.Your responses need to be thorough and thoughtful. This is where a majority ofyour grade can be achieved. (2-3 pages).

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English: Write the movie review - within the introduction include a
Reference No:- TGS01595241

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