
Write the methods to pass the tests a significant portion


1. Practice using TDD.

2. Practice building methods.

3. Practice using Java/JUnit.


This task is to use test-driven development (TDD) to finish the BookCollection project. You should have at least four classes: Book class, BookCollection class, TestBook class and TestBookCollection class. You need to use TDD to test and build all the methods


1) A searchByYear(int year) method that returns all Books published in the given year. Your test-method should check for the years 1981, and 1999.

2) A searchByTitlePhrase(String phrase) method that returns all Books with phrase anywhere in their title.

3) A searchByAuthorName(String name) method that returns all Books published by the same author.

4) Necessary methods in Book class

You should use test-driven development for these methods:

1. Create test-methods for each of these operations, and then

2. Write the methods to pass the tests.

A significant portion of your score will be based on the effectiveness and thoroughness of your test-methods.


1. Test methods (test cases): 60%

2. Methods for the classes: 40%


Run all you tests (which are passed) and paste the result into the end of your source code (save as a word file). Upload your word file on CMS.

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Programming Languages: Write the methods to pass the tests a significant portion
Reference No:- TGS01033194

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