
Write the message class - define a full set of limits and

The Message Class

Every message contains some content ("The British are coming! The British are coming!") and a creator, or author ("Paul Revere").

1. Write the Message class.  The class should have the following:

Public Static Class Constants

Define a full set of limits and defaults, like MAX_MSG_LENGTH and DEFAULT_AUTHOR, for both min, max lengths and default data of every member.  Set the maximum message length to a large number (at least a million) and the maximum author length to a reasonable value like 40 or 65, not 5 or 200.

Private Member Data

   String message;
   String author;

Public Methods

  • Default and 2-parameterconstructors.
  • MutatorandAccessorfor each member.
  • atoString()method that provides a formatted return String.

Private Methods

  • private staticvalidation helpersto filter client parameters. These will support your public methods.

Test of  Class Message

2. Write a program TestMessage.java.  Instantiate two or more Message objects, some using the default constructor and some using the parameter-taking constructor.  Mutate one or more of the members, and after that use the toString() to assist a screen output so we can see what all of your objects contain.

Next, test one or more accessors.  Finally, test two or more mutators, providing both legal and illegal arguments and testing the return values (thus demonstrating that the mutators do the right thing). 

 3. Create a zip file which contains the following files:

  • Message.java
  • TestMessage.java

4. Upload the zip file to Canvas

Sample Run:

/* ---------------------------------------------------------
The Message Class Testing ******************************

Author: Kinnard
 Message ---------------------- 
Some messages just aren't worth sending.

Author: Johnson
 Message ---------------------- 
hello world

testing Message accessors:

hello world

testing Message mutators:
too long (as expected)
Author: Kinnard
 Message ---------------------- 
Some messages just aren't worth sending.

acceptable length (shoud  be)
Author: Kinnard
 Message ---------------------- 
LONG STRING abcde abcde abcde abcde  abcde abcde abcde  abcde  abcde  abcde  abc
de  abcde abcde  abcde abcde abcde

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JAVA Programming: Write the message class - define a full set of limits and
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