
Write the matlab code for adding the integers 6 and 3 and

Lab 0: Pair Programming


• Learn about the concept of Pair Programming that is used in Lab
• Watch a video on the subject

o Here is the link: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rG_U12uqRhE&feature=player_embedded

Questions to be answered

Briefly list answers to these questions. Full sentences not required. Repeat (retype or paste) the question being answered, and then answer the question

1. In pair programming, what is the role of the driver?
2. In pair programming, what is the role of navigator?
3. What are the 9 Do's of pair programming (as described in the video)?
4. What are the 4 Don'ts of pair programming (as described in the video)?
5. Not related to Pair Programming, but related to this course, what is the purpose of the "CS122L Lab Submission Guidelines" document in the CS122L BbLearn web site?

Pre-Lab 1


? Learn how to name and use variables

? Learn how to do basic mathematical operations in MATLAB

? Learn the syntax/purpose of the MATLAB functions that will be useful in the upcoming lab

? Review the lab report guidelines and examples.


? Submit your pre-lab answers in Bblearn under the Lab 1 pre-lab assignment area prior to the start of class.

1) The following questions are intended to provide definitions that will aid in your understanding of future labs.

a) What is a variable?

b) What are the naming conventions for MATLAB variables?

c) What are the symbols that MATLAB uses for the following operations:

- Addition
- Subtraction
- Multiplication
- Division
- Exponent (e.g. 33)

2) The following questions build off of the previous section by asking you to write actual MATLAB code.

a) Write the MATLAB code for adding the integers 6 and 3, and storing the sum in a variable x.

b) Write the MATLAB code that takes the square root of 9.

c) What is the purpose of the diary command in MATLAB? Write the MATLAB code to create a diary file named ‘myDiary.txt'.

3) Review the lab submission guidelines in Bblearn. Also, be sure to look at the demo and template as well.

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MATLAB Programming: Write the matlab code for adding the integers 6 and 3 and
Reference No:- TGS02421656

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