
write the iterative newton root nding function

Write the iterative Newton root nding function from lecture to be recursive. The function declaration should be root = newtonRec(f,df,x,tol). The inputs to the function are:

  • f a handle to the function
  • ?df a handle to the derivative of the function
  • x an estimate of the root
  • ? tol the tolerance to nd the root within

The ouput of the function root is a root of the function satisfying abs(f(root))

Remove all code from the lecture version that causes display.

Note: Your roots may di er slightly from those in the test cases, but should satisfy the speci ed tolerance. You are not allowed to use any of Matlab's builtin root nding functions.

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Applications of MATLAB: write the iterative newton root nding function
Reference No:- TGS0276623

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