STEP ONE: Make a claim. The claim you select should be sufficiently complex and dynamic so that it is of potential interest to an adult reader. Remember: a claim requires a topic that someone else could reasonably argue against (falsifiability).
STEP TWO: Support your claim. Use at least two kinds of evidence in support of your claim (established truths, opinions of authority, primary sources, statistics, or personal experience.)
STEP THREE: Make certain your supports are detailed and well considered.
STEP FOUR: Write an argument essay.
STEP FIVE: Write a separate paragraph elaborating how your supports bolstered your essay.
1. You must write 3 full pages.
2. You must give your essay an appropriate title.
3. You must have a citation page consisting of at least three sources. Only one source may be from a website. Please reference your textbook for more information.
4. Topics based on essays discussed in class are off limits.