
Write the given essay assignment- choose a toy and analyze

Write the given essay assignment.

Gender Codes and Social Rules

Reading Assignments:

  • Maasik & Solomon's "We've Come A Long Way, Maybe"
  • Devor's "Gender Role Behavior and Attitudes"
  • Blum's "The Gender Blur: Where Does Biology End and Society Take Over?"
  • Roland Barthes' "Toys"
  • Peg Tyre& Julie Scelfo "Why Girls Will Be Girls"

Recommended Reading:

  • Gibson's "Warrior Dreams"
  • Tannen's "There is No Unmarked Woman


Some people believe that the children's nursery rhyme about "little girls" being made of "sugar and spice and everything nice" reinforces the idea that little girls (and women) should be sweet and feminine at all times. Other people believe that they rhyme is just a harmless children's song. No one really believes little boys are "made of snips and snails and puppy dog tails." but is gender-specific behavior a product of biology (we're born either masculine or feminine) or a social construct ( we learn masculinity and femininity from social codes)?

On one side are social constructionists, many of whom are feminists, who argue that gender specific behavior (the display of masculinity/ femininity) is a learned behavior. They believe that society and culture "teach" and condition us to act masculine and feminine. Certain behaviors, for example aggressiveness and fierceness, are praised in men while frequently scorned in women. Boys who display traits typical of the opposite gender are derided as "sissies," and often called queer or unmanly.

Several writers make the same argument: gender-specific behavior is learned from socialization. However, Deborah Blum makes an equally strong argument that biology does play a role in gender identity. In your view, is gender-specific behavior a product of society or biology? Look at everyday life (clothing, children's toys, speech patterns) for clues as you formulate your opinion. You may also want to refer to the various forms of popular culture and the cultural myths we have discussed this semester to support your analysis.

Topic: In a 5-6 page thesis driven essay, respond to the following prompt:

Choose a toy and analyze how it does/ does not promote traditional gender roles, while also discussing what type of toy it is according to Roland Barthes (User toy or Creator Toy). Use your analysis of the toy you chose to answer the following question:

Based upon analysis, to what extent, if any, is gender-specific behavior (masculinity/ femininity) a result of socialization, nature, or both? Also, what type of toy (user or creator) is it and how does this toy contribute to a child's gender-specific behavior?

The choice of toy(s) is up to you (you may choose two toys to compare and contrast, but no more than two). You can analyze gender- neutral toys.

• Discuss/explain the following points that Roland Barthes makes in his essay titled "Toys."

1. Little adults/ adult world
2. User toys vs. Creator toys

The readings from "Signs of Life" should assist your analysis. All papers must also have a Works Cited Page that includes one source from the list of essays we will cover from Signs of Life and a minimum of four outside sources (one from a book, one from a periodical/journal, internet source and one of your choice) that will you find on your own.

Length : 5-6 pages.

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