
Write the given assignment - find the struggle between

Write the given assignment.

Write in 4-6 Pages in APA format.

The readings include:
• Sophocles's Oedipus The King
• The Iliad and Odyssey
• Euripides Madea and Bacchae

• Euripides. (1990). Ten plays. (M. Hadas, Trans.). Bantam Books. [ISBN: 978-0553213638]

• Hesiod. (1993). Works and days; Theogony. (S. Lombardo, Trans.). Hackett Publishing. [ISBN: 978-0872201798]

• Homer. (2000). The essential Homer: Selections from the Iliad and the Odyssey. (S. Lombardo, Trans.). Hackett Publishing. [ISBN: 978-0872205406]

• Ovid. (1994). The metamorphoses of Ovid. (D. Slavitt, Trans.). Johns Hopkins University Press. [ISBN: 978-0801847981]

• Sophocles. (2009). Antigone, Oedipus the king, and Electra. E. Hall (Ed.). (H. D. F. Kitto, Trans.). Oxford University Press. [ISBN: 978-0199537174]

Euripides's Bacchae and Medea

• Aeneid - Book IIVirgil. Aeneid - Book II. The Aeneid. Mandelbaum, Allen ed. New York. Bantam Books. 1981. 0553210416. pp. 29-55.

• Aeneid - Book VI pp. 130-143Virgil. Aeneid - Book VI. The Aeneid of Virgil. Lewis, C. Day, ed. New York. Doubleday Anchor Books. 1953. 9780385093187. pp. 130-155.

• Aeneid - Book VI pp. 144-155Virgil. Aeneid - Book VI. The Aeneid of Virgil. Lewis, C. Day, ed. New York. Doubleday Anchor Books. 1953. 9780385093187. pp. 130-155.

• Homeric Hymn to DemeterAnyonymous. Homeric Hymn to Demeter. The Homeric Hymns. Shelmerdine, Susan ed. Newburyport, MA. Focus Publishing. 1995. 0941051153. pp. 33-58.

• Homeric Hymn to Hermes pp. 94-109Anyonymous. Homeric Hymn to Hermes. The Homeric Hymns. Shelmerdine, Susan ed. Newburyport, MA. Focus Publishing. 1995. 0941051153. pp. 94-122.

• Homeric Hymn to Hermes pp. 110-122Anyonymous. Homeric Hymn to Hermes.The Homeric Hymns. Shelmerdine, Susan ed. Newburyport, MA. Focus Publishing. 1995. 0941051153. pp. 94-122.

• Myth of ErPlato. Myth of Er. The Republic of Plato. Cornford, Francis MacDonald, ed. New York. Oxford University Press. 1970. 0195003640. pp. 351-359.

• Story of the floodAnonymous. Story of the flood. Epic of Gilgamesh. Ch. 5. https://www.aina.org/books/eog/eog.htm#c12
Please note that I cannot use any resources other than the above mentioned. I cannot use the internet at all. The only resources I can use are the assigned readings.

Here are the instructions:
Based on the assigned readings and what you've learned in lecture, consider power structures (power relations) in Greco-Roman myth. Power, acquiring it, fighting over it, and maintaining power within relationships is a major feature of our myths. Whether it is in the form of gods raping mortals, punishing mortals for their hubris or disrespect, or exercising their divine power and influence in war; or whether it is in the form of mortal men suppressing women, or women finding ways to wrest power from the established power structures that controlled them, power is the name of the game. For this essay, you must identify the one power structure you find to be the most important across our readings and examine its use or appearance across our stories. Some things to consider:

• Perhaps you find the struggle between mortals and immortals to be of primary significance; perhaps you feel that women rising up against societal expectations to be the most important; perhaps you see a similarity in the power structure among immortals to that among mortals (do the gods reflect us, or do we reflect them?). What relationship might there be between the Olympians and the mortals? What kind of a class system can you identify among the gods? Among mortals? Do women find themselves with no power, or do they have to exercise their power in more subtle ways?

• Be sure to center your essay on a central argument. Simply saying, "other gods are subordinate to Zeus," is NOT a sufficient thesis. Work out the effects of the power structure that you identify. How is this power structure undermined by minorities or by figures further down the social ladder within the structure of power? Base your essay on whatever dynamic you find most important, most interesting, and most inspiring.

• Don't forget to craft a careful and specific thesis statement around which you build your argument. This essay is not a place simply to list similarities and differences between books. Examine the issue and provide analysis to prove your central argument.

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English: Write the given assignment - find the struggle between
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